This third-party fundraising guide outlines our promotional, financial, and gifts processing policies and covers what you must know to help organize a fundraising event on behalf of Atrium Health.
100% of any contribution you make to the Foundation will be designated for the Atrium Health program or facility you specify. The Foundation’s operating expenses are funded chiefly through annual support from Atrium Health, as well as an operational reserve fund held at the Foundation. Additionally, the Foundation’s charitable funds are assessed a modest administrative fee (currently 0.5% of the fund balance annually) to provide further operating expense support. This assessment is typically covered through investment income earned on the funds.
Planned giving is an important form of philanthropy at the Foundation. To plan a gift or bequest please contact the Foundation at 704-355-4048. Types of planned gifts accepted by the Foundation include: (1) appreciated securities, such as stocks and mutual funds; (2) closely held stock; (3) real estate, such as personal residences, vacation homes, agricultural land, commercial properties and undeveloped land; (4) life-insurance policies; (5) estate gifts, including charitable lead trusts, bequests in wills (including residuary and contingent bequests), testamentary trusts and retirement plan assets; (6) life-income gifts, such as charitable remainder trusts and life estate agreements.
You won’t need to. If you choose to contribute for one year, we will not automatically renew your gift beyond that period. We will check in with you to ask if you would like to extend the gift. Unless you tell us to continue, the charges will stop.
Atrium Health Foundation aims to respect your time. We do not inundate our donors with materials. Donors can opt in or out of occasional email updates and newsletters and control the correspondence they receive.
Because we honor the privacy of donors, we do not publish or publicize donor lists, except for contributions to capital campaigns. We sometimes announce very large gifts, after consultation with the donor. Donors can always choose to contribute anonymously. If you are donating to honor somebody, we send a note to the person being honored to notify them of your gift.
Many people choose to give to causes that are personal to them – for instance, to improve patient care and fund research on a disease that affected a loved one. If you’re looking for ideas, check out “Find Your Cause” pages on this site. They tell you some of the programs and services that philanthropy has funded in different areas. If you need more information, please contact us. If you’re not sure exactly what you’d like to support, you can always choose to give an unrestricted gift, which will be used in the areas of greatest need.
Healthcare is paid for mainly by patients and their insurance companies. Although federal programs pay some medical bills, they typically do not fully cover the cost of care. Philanthropy enhances existing programs and creates new programs and services that would not otherwise exist because of financial constraints.
We measure our effectiveness by the quality and quantity of programs and services we are able to fund, and people can see the results of our effectiveness throughout Atrium Health. There are many programs and services that would not exist were it not for philanthropy. Every year, we meet or exceed our fundraising goals, and the number of donors and the amount they give increases – even when the economy is weaker than usual. To us, this means that donors see value in their contributions, which is a measure of effectiveness. In addition, our board of directors is composed of members of our community who hold our organization accountable for results. Like most organizations our size, our financial results are audited every year. Our fundraising activities are in accordance with national non-profit best practices.
Atrium Health Foundation respects the privacy of our website visitors. We do not store sensitive data on our website visitors. Our online donation forms may ask for demographic information to contact you in an effort to raise money for Atrium Health programs and facilities. The money raised will be used to expand and improve the services and programs we provide the community.
Atrium Health Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for funding. Our funds go to programs and services of Atrium Health.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN or Tax ID: 56-6060481). If you itemize deductions on your tax return, you are able to claim a tax deduction for your contribution to the Atrium Health Foundation. We will provide you with a receipt of your gift for your records.
Funds are managed using professional investment management firms that invest in a balanced portfolio of securities. No charges are assessed by the Foundation against the Fund; however, monthly investment income for each fund is reduced by an allocated portion of the monthly investment management fees charged by our managers.
As a governmental entity, Atrium Health is not a 501(c)(3) organization and does not generally accept charitable financial contributions. Atrium Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and accepts all external charitable financial support for Atrium Health. Our tax ID is 56-6060481.
No. Although big donations attract a lot of attention and are vital to supporting our causes, donations of all sizes are important. Every dollar counts. In addition to supporting programs and services, smaller donations often indicate wide levels of support, which can attract big donations. For instance, the opening of Levine Children’s Hospital was the culmination of years of attracting smaller donations through the Children’s Miracle Network. Also, even the largest donors do not typically pay for the entire cost of a program or facility. Their donations are often seed money to jump start donations of all sizes.
By law, most charities are required to file annual disclosures with the Internal Revenue Service to ensure compliance with tax laws. For the most recent Form 990 from Atrium Health Foundation, click here. (Note: Our name legally changed from Carolinas HealthCare Foundation to Atrium Health Foundation in June 2018.)
Many donors elect to designate a hospital service or program as the recipient of their gift – to a fund that supports ovarian cancer research, or to cardiovascular rehabilitation. A donor may also choose to make an unrestricted gift to the Foundation. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, these gifts are designated for areas where needs are most critical and urgent.
Financial contributions help provide the resources necessary to maintain the highest level of excellence and patient support in our medical programs and services. Your individual acts of generosity help improve the quality of life for people in our region today and into the future.Philanthropic gifts have always been important to Atrium Health. Since its beginnings in 1939, gracious donors have significantly contributed to the growth and success of Atrium Health programs and services.
Atrium Health Foundation is important because it supports the work of Atrium Health by providing programs and services that are not covered by revenues from patients and insurance companies. Although Atrium Health is a large system, it does not have unlimited resources. By working with donors, the Foundation enhances the services Atrium Health provides. Areas supported by the Foundation include medical research, medical education, community health initiatives and equipment/facilities upgrades.
Atrium Health Foundation serves as the primary point of contact for individual, foundation and corporate charitable support of Atrium Health (a self-supporting, public, not-for-profit healthcare provider.) The Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Atrium Health Foundation respects the privacy and wishes of our donors. If you would like to stop receiving fundraising related information, you can contact us by any of the following methods:
- Phone – 704-355-4048
- Email –
- Mail – Write to us at Atrium Health Foundation, 7800 Providence Road, Suite 208, Charlotte, NC 28226
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our privacy or solicitation policies. Thank you for your support of Atrium Health Foundation.