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    Hope for Hannah

    Levine Children's Neonatal Intensive Care Nursery's quick response ensured newborn Hannah survived a rocky start. Today, she is thriving!

    By |November 9th, 2018||Comments Off on Hope for Hannah

      Jane Lockwood’s Ride for Research

      Jane is raising funds to help find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy.

      By |April 22nd, 2015||Comments Off on Jane Lockwood’s Ride for Research

        Seeking a cure for MD

        The McColls and the Lockwoods were changed forever when doctors told them a family member was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy.

        By |October 4th, 2014||Comments Off on Seeking a cure for MD

          Pounding the Pavement for Dad

          For Sara and Andy Salisbury, crossing the finish line at the Thunder Road Race in Charlotte was a special tribute to their father, Andy, who has Parkinson’s disease.

          Sara and Andy have seen their father live with this devastating disease their entire lives. Parkinson’s, a progressive neurological disease, has slowly affected Andy’s ability to walk and […]

          By |October 4th, 2014||Comments Off on Pounding the Pavement for Dad

            Battling ALS, Marty inspires others

            Being diagnosed with ALS can be devastating. But one Gastonia family is finding hope – and even inspiring others to help – as they face this great challenge together.

            Marty D’Amore, a longtime sports and exercise enthusiast and a physician, sensed there was something wrong after a long period of unusual symptoms. After several months of […]

            By |October 4th, 2014||Comments Off on Battling ALS, Marty inspires others