Carolinas HealthCare Foundation | Report on Philanthropy 2012

This official 24-hour cycling event of LIVESTRONG is climbing to the top, raising
more than $8.4 million to date. A significant portion of the proceeds benefit survivorship
and wellness programs at Levine Cancer Institute as well as LCI's Keep Pounding�
Fund for cancer research.

24 Hours of Booty

As one of the premier cancer fundraisers in Charlotte, 24 Hours of
Booty is helping to transform the course of care for cancer patients
in our region. The 11th annual 24-hour cycling event took place in
July 2012 in the Myers Park neighborhood along a route known as
the "booty loop." The event raised $1.4 million, setting a record for
both number of participants and money raised.

More than 1,400 cyclists of all ages pedaled to increase awareness
about all forms of cancer and to raise funds that will support local
cancer research and programs at Levine Cancer Institute, along
with cancer survivorship efforts promoted by LIVESTRONG.

The face of Levine Cancer Institute during 24HOB, "Team Levine" has
emerged as a strong force during the event.