Carolinas HealthCare Foundation | Report on Philanthropy 2012

At Carolinas HealthCare Foundation our team constantly strives to reach our highest level of individual and collective potential.
Together, we work hard to achieve success. We consistently invest our time in activities that have potential to make a difference
in the lives of the people served by Carolinas HealthCare System.

We are truly proud of all our accomplishments in support of Carolinas HealthCare System � among the top ranked healthcare
systems in the nation. Benefiting from the vision and guidance of our donors we have been able to support excellence in emerging
and existing healthcare programs and services. We have experienced the satisfaction of watching programs funded by philanthropy
exceed all expectations as they offer new and better health-related opportunities for the people of the Carolinas. We have watched
in gratified amazement as the grateful beneficiaries of these programs have themselves become budding philanthropists.

Motivated by an infinite number of possibilities and experiences, it is our donors who truly deserve the credit for our success. They
are the people who make it all possible. From virtually every walk of life, and from every point in the geography of our service area,
these incredibly appreciative people want to give back. Children, siblings, parents, friends, grateful patents and families all participate
in supporting the work of the Foundation. As you move through the pages of this report, you will find the warm stories of a variety of
people seeking to help make life better for others. It is truly their stories that make a difference. It is their actions that take us to
the pinnacle.

In 2012, Carolinas HealthCare System was the recipient of millions of dollars in direct philanthropic support. Discussions and
agreements regarding deferred opportunities initiated in 2013 will provide even more financial support in the months and years to come.
As you read about the people behind the philanthropy you will note that their interests are highly diverse. For example, in 2012 Levine
Cancer Institute received a major commitment enhancing its survivorship and wellness programs. The Partnership for Pediatric Hearts
associated with the Ricky Hendrick Centers for Intensive Care continued to engage the community and position the congenital heart
program at Levine Children's Hospital among the most elite in the nation. Generous donors contributed to the fight against pediatric
cancer through the research being done in association with the rapidly developing Torrence E. Hemby Jr. Pediatric Hematology and
Oncology Center at Levine Children's Hospital. Credit Unions from throughout the Carolinas raised money for the beautiful children's
play garden at Levine Children's Hospital. The Robert Haywood Morrison Gardens near the Levine Cancer Institute will touch the lives
of patients for generations to come. The generosity behind the names Boyle, Marroum-Kardous and Greenspon will long impact people
from throughout the Carolinas. For these gifts and others we are deeply appreciative.

As we take a moment to share our successes, we want to first acknowledge and thank you. Because of your philanthropy, Carolinas
HealthCare System will continue to provide excellent healthcare, enrich the lives of people throughout the Carolinas � and maintain
its focus on the pinnacle of health related programs and services.

With gratitude,