Reaching out to help others has always been a part of Stan Greenspon's
life. After touring Carolinas HealthCare System's Levine Children's
Hospital (LCH) with his son Keith, Mr. Greenspon knew that he wanted to
help enhance the services offered to young patients and their families.
"I wanted to support a program where my gift could have an immediate
impact and directly touch the patients," said Stan Greenspon. One program
in particular caught his attention: the Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT)
program. He met with Dr. Andrew Gilman, Director of Blood and Marrow
Transplant at LCH, and heard great success stories of patients who had
benefited from his program. Mr. Greenspon also developed a better
understanding of the emotional, physical, and financial stresses these
transplants can place on patients and families, who are often hospitalized
for several weeks during the transplant period. Post-transplant, they
require intensive follow-up care for two to three months.
To ease some of the burdens placed upon bone and marrow transplant patients and
families, Mr. Greenspon made a generous $100,000 commitment to establish the
Stan Greenspon Special Needs Fund. "Knowing that I can bring some small amount
of relief to these families is a gift to me, and I hope that my new fund at LCH will
inspire others to give."