Carolinas HealthCare Foundation | Report on Philanthropy 2012


In continuation of the remarkable support they have provided
to the health and well-being of the community, Dr. Marie-Claire
Marroum-Kardous and her family (son Paul and husband Kal
Kardous) have donated $50,000 to the Rare and Complex
Cancers Fund associated with Levine Cancer Institute (LCI).
Dr. Marroum-Kardous, a retired pathologist known for her
clinical expertise in sarcoma and other rare forms of cancer,
has a long philanthropic history in Charlotte. She was honored
with the establishment of the endowed Marie-Claire Marroum,
M.D. Lectureship in Rare and Complex Cancers by her colleagues,
friends, and family in 2007. Marie-Claire and Kal have also
provided significant resources to advance numerous other
cancer and cardiac-related initiatives at Carolinas HealthCare

System. The Kardous
family's most recent
gift will support
research at LCI
to enhance the
effectiveness of
treatments for
sarcoma and other
rare cancers which
Dr. Marroum-Kardous
spent her distinguished
career in diagnosing
and treating.

Marie-Claire Marroum-Kardous, MD